Meson Photoproduction at Graal and Baryon Resonances - Randieri

Meson Photoproduction at Graal and Baryon Resonances

Differential cross sections and polarised photon beam asymmetries for η, η°and η+ photoproduction on the proton, produced by the GRAAL Collaboration, are presented. The results cover wide angular and enegy ranges of 40-170degrees and 550-1496 MeV (707-1496 MeV for η) respectively, and exhibit an unprecedented level of accuracy. The results are compared with predictions of several models.


O. Bartalini; V. Bellini; J. P. Bocquet; M. Capogni; M. Castoldi; A. D’Angelo; A. d’Angelo; J. P. Didelez; R. Di Salvo; A. Fantini; G. Gervino; F. Ghio; B. Girolami; A. Giusa; M. Guidal; E. Hourany; V. Kuznetsov; A. Lapik; P. L. Sandri; A. Lleres; D. Moricciani; V. Nedorezov; L. Nicoletti; C. Randieri; D. Rebreyend; F. Renard; N. V. Rudnev; C. Schaerf; M. L. Sperduto; C. M. Sutera; A. Turinge; A. Zabrodin; A. Zucchiatti (2002).

Hadron Structure 2000, 3rd International Conference on Perspectives in Hadronic Physics, Stara Lesna, High Tatra Mountains (Slovak Republic), 2-8 October 2000. Nuclear Physics A, 25 February 2002, Vol. 699, Issues 1-2, pp. 218c-225c, ISSN: 0375-9474, doi: 10.1016/S0375-9474(01)01496-8.


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