Charged particle detection at GRAAL - Randieri

Charged particle detection at GRAAL

Experimental results on proton and charged pion detection obtained from a study of the γ+n→p+π reaction are reported in detail. Data have been collected using the tagged and linearly polarized photon beam, impinging on a deuterium target, and the large solid angle apparatus of the GRAAL facility in Grenoble (France). The energy of the charged particles was measured using a BGO calorimeter. A comparison of the experimental data with a GEANT3-based simulation is also presented.


F. Mammoliti, V. Bellini, A. Giusa, C. Randieri, G. Russo, M. L. Sperduto, M. C. Sutera, A. D’Angelo, R. Di Salvo, A. Fantini, D. Franco, D. Moricciani, C. Schaerf, V. Vegna, P. Levi Sandri, G. Mandaglio, G. Giardina (2009).

Radiation Effects & Defects in Solids – May/June 2009, Vol. 164, Issues 5-6, pp. 357-362, ISSN:1042-0150, doi: 10.1080/10420150902811698.


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