A Profibus-based Control System for Nuclear Physics Applications - Randieri

A Profibus-based Control System for Nuclear Physics Applications

In this paper we present the results of implementation of a remote control system based on ProFiBus technologies used for the remote control of experimental nuclear physics apparata. Remote control makes experiment handling more flexible, eliminating any problems originating from the need for direct access to the systems being controlled. In the paper we describe two different applications. The first application of the ProFiBus is the remote control of a multidetector (made up of a bidimensional array of CsI scintillators) used to detect light nuclear particles, as protons and/or light ions. In the second application, we present an implementation of the control of a vacuum system suitable for a special chamber used for the development and testing of particle detectors operating in vacuum conditions.


O. Mirabella, V. Bellini, C. Randieri, C. Spitale

The 6th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics SCI 2002, July 2002, Orlando, Florida.


SCI 2002The main purpose of the Journal is to collaborate in the systemization of knowledge and experience generated in the areas of Systemics, Cybernetics (communication and control) and Informatics. This systemization process necessarily implies a progressive increase and enlargement of the relatedness among the associated areas, as well as among their respective disciplines. So, improvement in interdisciplinary communication would provide a very good support for the sought systemization process. This is one of the main objectives of the Journal.